6 Trends That Will Disrupt Telecom In The Near Future

The telecom industry, like all others, is not static. It changes, evolves, grows, and faces challenges just as any other does. Over the next five years, industry experts predict that these external factors will have a huge impact on telecom. Look out for these major trends which will cause big changes in telecom.


As being connected continues to become cheaper and cheaper, the cost of providing these services diminishes. Connectivity becomes less and less valued as content, product, and service are increasingly valued. It is possible that by 2012 one or more major telecom company will be acquired by a content company.

The Rise of The Internet Of Things

The popularity of connected devices continues to explode, we will add billions, and possibly trillions, of new connected data sources over the next five years.

Mobility Is King

Mobile Connectivity is growing far faster than hardline connectivity all over the globe. This is largely due to those in developing countries, who want a way to stay connected but may not own a home where having a landline phone is an option.


As they retire, baby boomers will enter digitized retirement communities and be forced to confront and use technologies they may have been resistant to in the past. They will use more bandwidth than had ever been anticipated. These tech-resistant baby boomers are amongst the last percentages of the market to be tapped and this will help contribute to thorough market saturation.

Security Demands

As the internet becomes more and more integrated into everyday life, customers will begin to demand that more proactive protection measures are taken by carriers and the entire internet value chain, which could lead to a number of operational and technical innovations in security.

Skynet 2.0

If Skynet 2.0 reappears and can provide high-quality and affordable broadband access to anywhere on earth, it will undoubtedly shake up telecom. These space balloon or drone based systems may begin to appear over the course of the next five years.

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