Modern business phone systems have become complex, web-based interfaces that need to do more than simply make audio-based phone calls. Communication technology has seen exponential growth in recent years, which has become a major boon to businesses as it makes productivity smoother and simpler no matter where your employees are.
Mobility Features
The modern workforce has undergone significant changes in a very short period of time due to an exponential increase in workplace technology and the aftermath of a global pandemic. As companies sought ways to keep their employees working through the pandemic and the social distancing regulations it brought with it, they had to start bringing in technology with mobile features that allowed everyone to stay connected without ever meeting in person. While some companies are currently working on bringing people back into an office environment, many more have adapted to a hybrid model, or they’ve ditched the office completely and embraced the work-from-home way of doing things. With so many workers operating on a more flexible work schedule, companies need mobility features built into their business phone systems so employees can connect from anywhere at any time. These features keep everyone connected with ease, and that allows the work to continue without interruption.
Instant Messaging & Presence (IM&P) service is a must-have for any collaboration-based business that relies on effective communication between employees for success. This is a comprehensive service that offers many different tools to make life easier for everyone. A couple of the more important features include:
- Contact List: Maintain an up-to-date contact list of your employees to ensure that everyone has an easy way to get in touch with whoever they need. In addition, it allows them to contact the other party through many different mediums such as instant messaging, phone, or email.
- Status: Through comprehensive integration, IM&P services can inform any user on the status of another employee, such as whether they’re in a meeting or have something else going on. This can help employees find the best and most efficient ways to contact each other depending on the current situation of each individual.
Unified Messaging
Using unified messaging with your business phone system is a great option if you want to simplify all types of messaging. Unified messaging send all forms of communication, such as e-mail, SMS, messaging, voicemail and video, to a single account or interface, which negates the need for employees to check multiple accounts and devices to gain access to all of the important files and messages being shared with them. This makes the entire process much smoother and easier for everyone involved, resulting in higher productivity.
Phone System Solutions from Delta Intellicom
Want to learn more about the ways we can help improve your business? Delta Intellicom can satisfy all of your telecommunication needs, whether you need help with your new VoIP system or just want to streamline your existing office phone network. We have served the Maryland, Washington, D.C, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania areas for over 20 years and offer an unparalleled customer experience. We have the expertise and products to fulfill all of your phone service and data needs. For more information, contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-946-3358. For more tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.