Logging onto the world wide web puts your data at risk. There are countless sophisticated hackers who work diligently to find ways to bypass all your security efforts. This not only puts your data at risk, but it makes your customers’ data vulnerable to theft as well. Stay ahead of the game by following this guide for keeping your data protected.
Protection Through Education
Take the necessary measures to make sure that your staff and colleagues understand how to make smart choices in keeping your data protected. One of the most common ways that hackers will try to infiltrate your system is through a phishing email. This type of email will usually include a link to something that appears to be genuine and authentic. However, once an employee clicks that link, it will likely begin installing some form of virus or try to gain more data from the employee. Education helps employees know what to look for and what to avoid.
Protection Through Encryption
Hackers work diligently to come up with new sophisticated ways to gain access to your data. Although you may not be able to stay on top of the latest types of hacking tools, you can do your part by encrypting your data properly. This means that once a hacker gains access to your data, all the pertinent information itself will be protected and a hacker will have no use for it. It can also be used for information stored in the cloud.
Protection Through SSL
Secure Sockets Layer, otherwise known as SSL, keeps the channels between websites and your company computers secure. You can tell that a website uses SSL when you see the extra S behind the HTTP in the web address bar. It also ensures that anyone who accesses your website is doing so in a secure way.
Protection Through Specialists
If necessary, bring in a web security specialist to run a seminar and do an assessment of your web security measures. They will help educate your employees on how they can be interactive when it comes to data protection and give advice on what additions your IT department should consider for further cyber protection.
Delta Intellicom is Here to Help
If you want to learn more about cloud-based communication systems, we here at Delta Intellicom can help you. We have served Maryland, DC, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania for over twenty years and offer exceedingly great customer service. For more information, visit us online or give us a call at 1-800-946-3358. For more tips and to see what we are up to, be sure to follow us on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.