Despite the emerging new technologies, many small businesses have yet to catch up with the times and make use of the exciting new telecommunication technologies. If your business office or company still uses traditional phone systems for your business operations, you may be missing out on things like Voice Over IP (VoIP), robust phone software, or cloud-based call handling. Let’s look at a few ways traditional phone systems might just be holding you and your business back.
The More Expensive Choice
Traditional phone systems are older and use outdated technology that not everyone is knowledgeable about. This is precisely why traditional phone systems are actually more expensive to buy, replace, or fix than modern systems like VoIP. Traditional systems simply require more pieces as well, such as desk phones, cabling, and a switchboard system. Cloud-based calling has very few required hardware pieces, mostly just the one responsible for routing things through the internet. Because of all the hardware pieces needed for a traditional phone system, maintenance will automatically be required more often. You can also expect the work to be more labor intensive. Repairing any piece of equipment might have to be taken down, thus disrupting your normal business. Cloud-based systems are specifically designed to ensure business continuity.
Less Scalable
There is a lot that goes into setting up even one work desk that uses a traditional phone system. All the pieces of hardware need to be ordered and installed. The phones themselves are often hard to get working in a comfortable manner and employees will settle for a “good enough” set up. Changing phone numbers often requires changing physical hardware, whereas with cloud based systems everything can be changed through software without touching a single piece of equipment.
Traditional phone systems often come with older phone models. This means fewer handy and useful features to assist your employees in their day to day duties. Such things include call queue, calling forwarding, call holding, support for high call volume. These features may simply not exist for older phone models and phone systems. These features are what keeps customers happy.
Phone System Solutions from Delta Intellicom
Want to learn more about the ways we can help improve your business? Delta Intellicom can satisfy all of your telecommunication needs, whether you need help with your new VoIP system or just want to streamline your existing office phone network. We have served the Maryland, Washington, D.C, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania areas for over20 years and offer an unparalleled customer experience. We have the expertise and products to fulfill all of your phone service and data needs. For more information, contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-946-3358. For more tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.