With the ever growing technology available to small businesses, many are now finding ways to implement video communication. In the past, video communication was only available to a select few businesses that had the money to afford the equipment. However, video communication has now become a readily available tool for small businesses and their unified communication efforts.
However, video communication still remains only available to certain executives and superiors in a number of different businesses. Because there was a lack of proof that video communication had a major impact on a business as a whole, many smaller businesses are holding off on implementing video communication company wide, and only use it as a means to communicate with other executives.
In order to make the change to companywide video communication, businesses must realize the benefits of video communication when paired with their other unified communication practices. Video communication can first and foremost help get millennials into the door of your business. It is known that millennials enjoy working with the latest technology, but also working collaboratively, which can be found with video communication. Video communication can also save your business time and money when it comes to the need to travel or to telecommute.
In order to begin implementing video communication into your business, begin by looking at your staff. Determine who would benefit the most from the new technology and begin the change there. You can then begin the larger changes throughout your business.
Delta Intellicom has served the Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania areas in telecommunication products and services for over 20 years. We strive to provide our customers with the latest products from Nortel and Avaya along with maintenance and troubleshooting services to make telecommuting possible for your business. Our team members can help create a business phone system that works best for your business, allowing you to increase your overall office productivity and helping your business to grow.
To get started with Delta Intellicom, call us today at 1-800-946-3358 or visit our contact page!
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