Telecommunication professionals and industry experts have been making predictions, writing reports, and collecting sources about what the future of the telecommunication industry will look like. While some are technical, others are focused more on user experience. The following is a breakdown of a few of those factors that will drive changes in the future of the telecommunication industry.
From Telecom to Content
According to current trends, industry professionals are predicting that the biggest names in telecom will be acquired by content companies. They are pointing toward the fact that companies that deliver content, service, and product are already overtaking the population of consumers by leaps and bounds. And as more content companies are becoming prevalent, subscription rates are becoming cheaper.
Device Connectivity
Over the next year, data volumes will approach zettabytes. That’s 1021 bytes. We have connected devices to thank for this dramatic rise. In response, there will be billions of new connected data sources on a global level.
Mobile Connectivity
The majority of internet users are accessing the web via mobile connectivity rather than hardline. Telecommunication companies must keep this in mind as wireless, and mobile connectivity is usually cheaper and much more convenient.
Assisted Living and Retirement Communities
It may seem like a surprise addition to this list but assisted living and retirement communities affect the future direction of the telecom industry. One of the most largely populated generations – the baby boomers – will be retiring and entering these facilities. These communities are often completely digitized to ensure that they run efficiently and that the full population of residents has adequate access to the internet and phone service. This means that they will require (and consume) much more bandwidth than ever before.
Threat Sophistication
The telecom industry must continually be prepared to respond to, and even expect, higher threat sophistication to networks. In exchange for their subscriptions, consumers expect protection and secure connections. Carriers act as network guardians and are expected to provide the necessary innovations to support and provide network security.
Telecommunication Solutions from Delta Intellicom
Want to learn more about the ways we can help improve your business? Delta Intellicom can satisfy all of your telecommunication needs, whether you need help with your new VoIP system or just want to streamline your existing office phone network. We have served the Maryland, Washington, D.C, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania areas for over 20 years and offer an unparalleled customer experience. We have the expertise and products to fulfill all of your phone service and data needs. For more information, contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-946-3358. For more tips, follow us on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.